
Logo Design New Trend

1) Conceptual
The conceptual logo design trend is one of the most creative styles of logo design ever to have originated. Hiding messages within a logo design is an art in itself.

2) Signature

The signature or handmade logo design has fast grown into a popular trend. The sketchy and handy logo designs are in style nowadays. With consumers becoming brand conscious, top designers are turning attention to signature logos.

3) 3D

Popularly acclaimed as a trendsetter, the 3D logo design is quickly emerging into the one of the hottest new logo design trends in the business. As we move into the world of 3D and animations, the call for for 3D logos is rapidly on the rise.

4) Minimalism

The art of minimalism, which was introduced back in the 1960s, is back in observation. Minimalism trend in logo design calls for minimal use of graphic and visuals and making the logo design as simple and easily comprehensible as possible.

5) Sequential

Sequential logo design is a recent addition to the trends and is one to look out for. Showing motion in sequential steps projects a company’s progress and determination for growth. Sequential logos will be hard to miss in the coming months as the world comes out of the global recession.

6) Eco Smart

This is the trendiest logo designs as far as global awareness is concerned. With the climate awareness increasing, companies are nowadays shifting to Eco-smart logo designs to show corporate social responsibility. A recent adoption of this trend was McDonald’s hunter green logo in Europe.

7) Emotional

Logo designs with emotions is an emerging trend. This is because customers nowadays deem products as a valuable possession. Emerging corporate brands are trying to bond with their customers on an emotional level through emotional and expressive logo designs.

8) Gradient

Although this trend is a controversial one, it is gaining popularity. Gradient in the past was criticized for the excessive cost of printing and difficulty in executing. But nowadays, logo designers are accepting the fact that gradient gives the logo design a modern and well-groomed appearance.

Source: http://www.logoblog.org/wordpress/logo-design-trend-predictions/

